Celebrating Birthdays is always tough

As my birthday draws closer many feelings are popping up which start to make you think a little about where you are and what you are doing with yourself. I am sure that many of you out there have these same feelings.

I know when you look at the age you are going to be on your birthday your instant though is that you are getting old which in fact is not the case, unless you are in actual fact old. So once that passes you immediately start thinking of how you are going to celebrate your birthday and you conjure up so many plans that will in the end get you absolutely hammered and that is always fun as you get all excited with your friends.

Once you have a plan for what you want to do you start telling people and lets be honest, you go onto Facebook and create an event and then invite you friends to come to the event. The hard part of this is not creating the event but the comments that come after you put the event on to Facebook. You start to see all the people who are not around to celebrate with and have not caught up with in ages. This is not good, you start to feel a little down but it, well I do.

I hope most of you know what the plan is for my birthday. We are going to one of the Bars in Earlsfield, a favourite of mine, The Wandle. Some of you will know and have drunk here. If you need any more info, please get in touch.

So to all of you who are coming I look forward to getting drunk with you and enjoying my birthday.

To all of you who are not coming, I am sorry you can not be there and you had better have a drink for me.. There are many people out there who I would of loved to come and you know who you are...

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  1. Hey bud, having a drink for you right now on the lake in Siavonga! Enjoy and remeber you'r only as old as... I'll leave that up to you



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