With the internet coming to Zimbabwe the online world has taken off. People are actually using the internet for searching for businesses rather than heading straight to the Yellow Pages. This is all new for the residents of Zimbabwe and actually quite daunting for Zimbabweans.
So you have a business and know you should be online. Where do you start?
From what I can gather there are some
wed designers in Zimbabwe offering website building and in my opinion most of them are not that good, from what I can see in their portfolio.
How much should you be paying for a website?
Again from what I can gather from the internet, web designers are charging in the region of $30 to $45 per hour of work that they do on your site.
So how long should a website take to build?
That really does depend on the website that you require but to be honest it does not take that long to build a standard website with as many pages as you want to be displayed. Web designers will already have templates of themes that they can offer you, all they have to do is tailor it to your needs.
Okay so after that little breakdown of mine, where is this all going?
ZimWebDesign is a UK based web design company who's goal is to get Zimbabwe online in a sense. Working from the UK gives many advantages to the Zimbabwean business:
1 - No power cuts so when they are working they are really working
2 - The internet is much faster
3 - Not here to take advantage of businesses.
If you want a website build for you with all the frills and not all the fuss then get in touch with them and let them get your business online.
web // zimwebdesign.com